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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Legislative Council held on Wednesday, June 7, 2006 in the meeting room of the C. H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street, Newtown CT.  Chairman Rodgers called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: W. Rodgers, T. Holian, D. Amaral,  J. Capeci, J. DiCandido, S. Doyle, M. Iassogna, K. Jacobs, P. Llodra, F. Pennarola. ABSENT: J. Borst, D. Brown. ALSO PRESENT:  six members of public, one member of press.


MINUTES. Upon motion of Mrs. Llodra, the minutes of  the regular meeting of May 3, 2006 were unanimously accepted as presented. The minutes of the special meeting of May 10, 2006 will be amended to change “note” to “no” on page 2. Upon motion of Mr. Capeci, the minutes of May 10, 2006 were unanimously accepted as amended. Upon motion of Mr. Pennarola, the minutes of  the special meeting of May 31, 2006 were unanimously accepted as presented.



Ordinance. Mr. Pennarola reported that meetings will be scheduled to discuss ordinances concerning dogs at Fairfield Hills and art.

Education (A). Mrs. Llodra presented a report concerning the internal controls review process, the fact that the High School has been placed on warning by NEASC, and a community satisfaction survey that the Board of Education is considering developing. Also the Head o’Meadow ductwork removal was completed. The bid for modulars at the High School was awarded to M Space. No action was taken on budget reductions but meetings will continue on June 14 and June 19 for that purpose.

Finance. No report.

FIRST SELECTMAN’S REPORT. Mr. Rosenthal reported that Newtown was awarded a Small Town Economic Assistance Program Grant for some Fairfield Hills infrastructure, including water, sewer and electrical.


Charter Selection Committee and Creating a Charter Revision Commission will be carried forward.


Set the Mill Rate. Mr. Holian moved  to set the mill rate for fiscal year 2006-2007 at 27.3 mills. Second by Mr. Capeci and unanimously carried.
Mt. Nebo/Steck Roads developments rights purchase. Mr. Holian moved  that the Town of Newtown acting through the Board of Selectmen purchase the development rights at Mt. Nebo and Steck Roads pursuant to the agreement previously provided by Mr. Rosenthal and amended mid-motion. Second by Mr. DiCandido. Mr. Pennarola presented “Development Easement” (Attachment B) including language changes prepared by Attorney Ward Mazzucco. YES (W. Rodgers, T. Holian, D. Amaral,  J. Capeci, J. DiCandido, S. Doyle, M. Iassogna, K. Jacobs, P. Llodra) NO (none) ABSTENTION (F. Pennarola). Motion carried.

ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mr. Rodgers announced that he will not be attending Legislative Council meetings for the next nine months because he will be serving in the Marine Corp and expects to be stationed in Iraq. He said that he will return for the budget season and would like to see a Charter Revision Commission seated. A special meeting may be scheduled for Monday, June 12 for that purpose. All present wished him well in the coming months.


Bob Merola, 22 Ashford Lane, had suggested to the Board of Education at its February 7 meeting that the atrium at the High School be evaluated for additional classroom space. Since he received no reply, he is asking that the Legislative Council and its Education Subcommittee bring this to the Board of Education and he will also bring this to them again.

John Voket, The Bee reporter, said that in reference to the Board of Education’s internal controls review, there are references on The Bee’s website that the Sabrina Post issue was a motivator and a locally stated concern that made Paul Mangiafico ask for this process to be initiated.

ADJOURNMENT. Upon motion of Mrs. Llodra, the meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m.


Ann M. Mazur, Clerk